Thursday, December 11, 2008

Closing in on 2009

I have to say, it has been an interesting, slightly volatile year. As with all years, there are the slopes, valleys, and catwalks that we ski through. Hopefully 2009 will bring, with the guidance of our new president, an upswing and stabilization in the economy.

But with all that said, art is art and will continue to be a bright spot in our lives. We have seen some pretty neat things this year - which I would like to share! (And I know - this is not all Indian stuff!)

William Louis Sonntag (American, 1822-1900)

Handel Lamp with Egyptian Ruins Shade #6004

1930 Packard 733 Club Sedan

Western Great Lakes Catlinite "Monster" Pipe Bowl and Stem,

ps. to view the complete records on these pieces, you will have to log into the website... sorry.

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